RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "ice fishing tackle"

Anglers Mart Skandia Tungsten Ice Jigs - Pelkie and Tapiola

Skandia Tungsten Jigs are the Hot Ticket for Ice Fishing 2012!

Tungsten jigs are the hot must-have lure this ice fishing season! Skandia has two models – the tear drop Pelkie and the new flat bottom Tapiola.

Ice Fishing Gear Preseason Blowout Savings

Ice Fishing Gear Preseason Blowout Savings

Just found an ice fishing gear blowout sale with savings up to 60% including Ice Armor clothing, line, tip-ups, shanties, rods, gloves and boots!

K&E Stopper Lures Pro Staff member Ray Tiffany of the HARD WATER MANIACS with a giant light line buck rainbow trout

Light Line’n Trophy Trout through the Ice!

The ice is in and safe. The weather is perfect and you just received word that the trout are hitting in the local Lake Michigan tributary or marina.

Super sensitive Whip'R ice rod combos from K&E Tackle available from

Whip’r Ice Rods Set The Standard

The late season addition of Whip’r Ice Rods took the ice fishing world by storm – if you didn’t grab one quick, they were gone.

Dan Loyd with a 20 pound gator pike caught through the ice. Credit: Jack Payne

Tip-ups and Bait Rigs for Pike through the Ice

Using a combination of tip ups and bait rigs can improve your odds for catching more big Northern pike during the ice fishing season.

K&E Tackle Stopper Lures logo

K&E Tackle Purchases Best Manufacturing

K & E Tackle purchase Best Manufacturing including their line of Russian jigging spoons and the Mitzi line of ice fishing jigs.

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