The show that celebrates Michigan’s conservation heritage returns to Metro-Detroit February 27 through March 1 when the 47th annual Outdoorama sets up camp at Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi.
The ice has been hit or miss so far in 2017. Ice one week. Open water the next. Although many think this is a bad situation, seasoned veterans like Pro Raymond Tiffany take full advantage of this situation.
Michigan is a place where anglers can take up their rod and fish year-round. Winter is no exception, with thousands of lakes open to ice fishing.experiences.
Reports are coming in from all over the Midwest on some great ice fishing success. As you can see by the pictures, some real giants are hitting the ice.
The New Skandia Tungsten Tear Drop ice jigs are lighting it up. Reports are coming in on the latest tungsten innovation from Skandia and fish are hitting the ice!
February 18 and 19, 2017 will be Michigan’s winter free fishing weekend for 2017. You do not need a fishing license on that weekend to fish anywhere in Michigan. Visit the MDNR Free Fishing Website for more information including public events.
Check out the Minnesota DNR ice safety section on their state website. Lots of great tips and simple graphics to make your ice fishing and travels much safer!
There are no snow days in ice fishing school – not when the principal is Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame angler Mark Martin. Unusually warm temperatures, wind and rain preceded the Feb 7 – 10 ice fishing class scheduled on Saginaw Bay.
Silver, gold, copper… Three precious metals that have been sought after as valuable resources by man throughout history, but their importance does not stop at the foundation of monetary value.
Ice fishing is a fun activity even the family can enjoy. But ice fishing requires preparation and knowledge to enjoy the sport safely. Here are some safe ice fishing tips.
The Michigan State Fishing Club is having an ice fishing tournament Saturday, January 30, 2016 at Lake Lansing out of the Lake Lansing Park South.
Brad Caden recently had a great day of ice fishing. Armed with his ice fishing gear and some of his favorite Skandia Tungsten jigs, he hit the ice near Cement City, Michigan.
This is kind of a fishing report with a story from my ice fishing day on Lake Lansing yesterday January 24, 2016. It includes two videos for evidence or documentation.
Michigan winter Free Fishing Weekend is coming up soon, Saturday and Sunday February 13 and 14, 2016. You do not need a Michigan fishing license to fish anywhere in Michigan that weekend.
However, don’t over look the other panfish species including the Crappie. Experienced ice anglers know this can be one of the best times of year to catch these giant panfish.
Most of us have enjoyed this last little blast of warm weather. However reality is coming soon with colder weather, and eventually snow and ice. This in-between time is a great time to get out the ice gear and get things ready to go.
There’s little evidence to suggest Benjamin Franklin was an ice fisherman but if he were alive today and inclined to spend a nice winter’s day on the ice, he surely would see the value in Mark Martin’s Ice Fishing Vacation School.
When the panfish ice-bite slows, it’s time for a change of venue to break free of the mid-winter doldrums. It’s time for a whitefish ice fishing road trip.