By Dan Kimmel on Dec 23, 2016 with Comments 0
FYI to all of you who have already signed up as a member on GLIF, and to potential new members. I have installed a new forum on GLIF that is separate from the rest of the website. I wanted a full-featured forum that operates like GreatLakesBass.com so it would be easier to use and hopefully more popular with ice anglers to communicate on.
In order to do this the new forum membership structure is completely separate from the rest of the website. To participate on the forum you will need to create a new registration through the actual forum. If available, you can use the same member name (username) you have on the main GLIF website. Just go to the Ice Fishing Forum from the menu and click Register.
You will need a valid email address and email activation is necessary (to keep the spammers and bad characters off the forum). You should get an automated email notice within minutes. Check your spam folder if you don’t see it within 20 minutes. Make sure you put in the correct email address. You can always Contact Us for help if you have problems.
Your old membership still works on the rest of the website and allows you to comment on articles, and participate in member promotions but will not work on the forum. You can use the same password for both but as a general security precaution it is always best to use different passwords for every login you have anywhere.
There were a few hundred posts on the old forum that I could not save as there was no import – export feature or way to recreate them since the memberships and formats would not match. Sorry to see those go but I hope that in time we’ll have a lot more new posts and participation to liven up things up on the ice fishing forum.
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