By Team Stopper on Feb 09, 2015 with Comments 0
Some say the best ice fishing of the season is last ice. This may or may not be true but one thing is for sure, you’ll want to be extra careful looking for that late season action. Warming temperatures and unsteady weather can make it tricky and dangerous to get out one last time.
Be sure to check the ice carefully when hitting the lake. You should treat this type of ice the same as you would first ice. You can’t be too careful.
Many times the snow will be gone and there will be nothing but a slick surface across your favorite lake. Make sure if you find yourself in this situation to get yourself a pair of quality ice grips. There are many varieties of ice grips on the market, prices range from $5 to over $50. Ice grips are a good investment and you’ll be glad you have them when walking across that slick ice.
Try downsizing your ice jig if the fish aren’t biting during last ice like they did earlier in the ice fishing season.
The next thing you’ll want to do if you find yourself on last ice and the fish aren’t biting, try downsizing. Instead of using that size 10 ice jig that was a sure thing earlier in the season try a jig with a smaller profile. A #14 or #16 ice jig just may make all the difference!
This is where a tungsten jig will really shine. The small profile and heavy weight make it a favorite of late season anglers. Tipped with a wax worm or similar bait, a tungsten jig may be just the ticket to get that one last limit.
So remember, last ice might be some of the best fishing of the season but it may also be the most risky for safety and the bite! Be careful out there and good fishing!
Skandia Pelkie Tungsten Ice Jigs are great for last ice finesse ice fishing due to their heavier weight in a compact size.
Filed Under: Featured • Ice Fishing Tips
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