Getting the Itch

Bill Ferris ices a mess of nice panfish

Bill Ferris ices a mess of nice panfish

Well it’s that time of year again. Getting the itch to go ice fishing. Summer has come and gone. The water temperatures in the lakes are falling fast.

So out comes the ice bucket, rods and reels. Blow the dust off them. It’s time to put new line on ready for first ice.

Around here when Christmas passes it’s usually time to check the small shallow lakes for good ice. Make sure to use a spud to check first ice. Sometimes when the ice freezes it’s not the same thickness all the way out to your favorite spot.

Now it’s time to check out the latest and greatest new lures and gadgets. Have fun trying to get the itch to go away. Be safe on the ice this season. Just don’t catch them all. Put a few back for me.

Filed Under: Ice Fishing TipsPanfish


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