By Team Stopper on Jan 14, 2016 with Comments 0
Big crappies with a K&E Stopper ice fishing rod and reel
Small Skandia Tungsten Ice Jig with a chartreuse plastic trailer
Now that safe ice has formed in many places, anglers will be targeting their favorite fish. For most of us this is the bluegill. We’ll go out and set for hours trying to catch a limit of these fierce and tasty fighters. However, don’t over look the other panfish species including the Crappie. Experienced ice anglers know this can be one of the best times of year to catch these giant panfish.
We’ve all heard that the only way to catch Crappie is with minnows and patience. That may work fine on some days but how about trying a new way to target these fish. This may be somewhat of a secret but one of the best and most effective ways in catching Crappie can be using a Tungsten ice Jig with a plastic trailer.
A bucket of crappie caught ice fishing with Skandia Tungsten jig and plastics
Anglers all over are finding this technique to work great on these sometimes finicky fish. Using a size #12 or #14 Skandia Tungsten jig with a plastic trailer is one of K&E Pro-Staff member Chas Thompson’s favorite ways to fish.
Chas will use his electronics and experience to find and target Crappies. The one thing to remember is to be ready to move with the fish. Once you find them, they may not stay there long, keep moving with the school. Also, keep in mind that they may not be on the bottom. Crappie will sometimes suspend in deeper water that you think might not hold fish.
There is no hard and fast rules when it comes to Crappie fishing. So get out and give it a try, take a chance on trying something new and target an oldie but a goodie, the Crappie.
Filed Under: Crappie • Featured • Ice Fishing Tips
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