Stopper pro staff Keith Stanton and Bill Ferris are putting on ice fishing seminars at Jays Sporting Goods in Clare Michigan Sunday January 20th.
Ice fishing aficionados: The largest collection in Michigan of ice fishing shanties, shelters, augers, sleds, rods and reels, lures and other equipment will be on display and available for purchase January 10 through 13 at the Ultimate Fishing Show–Detroit.
Join ice fishing guru and K&E Tackle pro staff member Bill Ferris at Vern’s Repair and Sport for a free panfish ice fishing seminar 1/8/2013 6PM!
Team Stopper announces their new Facebook page. Find the latest hot tips and techniques updated year round for ways to catch more fish. Like the Team Stopper Facebook page.
Getting fired up for frozen water! I get pumped up about the upcoming season of fishing for bluegills and crappies through the ice getting ice gear, checking line and my ice jigs.